
Commitment #7 - Impact & Servant Leadership

Impact suggests we do not expect to slip in and out unnoticed. That doesn't mean we swagger, brag, preach or pontificate. It does mean we are intentional about our actions in the marketplace. We have a strategy. We intend to make a difference by influencing others towards Christ.

How will we do it?

First, we deliberately choose to be servant leaders. Jesus himself, the Great Leader, said, "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." He also said "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." Do we have authority? We will exercise it wisely and prayerfully, with a servant's heart. Do others have authority over us? We will serve wholeheartedly, going the extra mile to add value. In doing this, we will lead the way in showing others Christ in the marketplace.

Second, we demonstrate our faith with work. Real work. Excellent work. When God, who first put us to work, finished His own work of creation, He said "It is very good." We strive for the same, and in so doing we worship Him with strength, creativity and a sense of purpose. Excellence and diligence is our celebration of His work in us.

Third, we favor hands-on delivery over religious-sounding platitudes and false piety. A job well and faithfully done is worth many flowery words. Neither will we settle for worldly attitudes that fall short of God's design for us. We reject victim mentality, defeated thinking, and a false sense of entitlement. These are all forms of negative faith, failure before we start, and a lack of trust in God. In no way is this any part of God's plan for His men.

Having intentionally and deliberately carried out these principles with God’s equipping, we thank Him for the satisfaction He grants to us in our vocations. Along with thanksgiving, we pray and look for opportunities to give a reason for the hope that is in us.

And we will be ready.
See all seven Commitments of a JourneyMan

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