
What is a JourneyMan?

Seven Commitments of a JourneyMan
...More on Commitment #1
...More on Commitment #2
...More on Commitment #3
...More on Commitment #4
...More on Commitment #5
...More on Commitment #7

Hot Rods & JourneyMen
JourneyMen Are the Workers of Matt. 9:37-38
JourneyMen Require Margin
Look Also to the Interests of Others


On the right hand side, you see short notes and quotes. Below that is a table of contents ("Blog Archive") showing postings by month. Click on the triangles to see details, and click on any title to be taken right to it.

Below the Blog Archive you'll find a number of links to helpful websites ("Suggested Resources") dealing with faith in the workplace and other topics of interest to JourneyMen.

At the bottom of each posting (including this one), there is the word "comments". Click on it to write a comment on that particular posting. Feel free to comment on the weblog itself and to offer any suggestions.

Have a great seven days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent analogy, we should all recognize excellence whenever it’s displayed in honest labor or intellectual fortitude. -BobB